
Blog posts August 2021

Why Is User Experience Important?

User experience (UX) surrounds all the end-user interaction with the company, its products, and services. Its focus is on connecting the business goals and the user needs. A good UX enhances the accessibility and usability of your website.


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User experience is essential because of…

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What is a Google Snippet?

The snippet function on Google has been a tool for internet users to get more information about a website without clicking on the page. For example, when someone is searching for “how to make meatballs” they will often see a snippet in the search engine that highlights the summary in either a paragr…

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What Are Essential Soft Skills That Marketers Should Have?

A good marketer possesses both soft skills and qualifications, and certification that will improve the quality of their work and results.

Several soft skills can help you as a marketer to up your game and produce better results. These soft skills can be learned through experience, online or b…

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What Are The Main SEO Challenges?

SEO is a term that covers many aspects of website management. The main challenges in SEO are to ensure the website is well-optimized for search engines and that it has a high rank on search engine pages. For your business to survive in the online world, you need to make sure that it is well optimise…

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4 blog posts